There are two types of assessments for all the students studying in the college. Continuous (internal) assessment and End semester / Annual examination (External). Up to 20% of the total marks for each paper is set apart for internal assessment. This assessment is made by the concerned teacher in charge of teaching the paper on the basis of attendance, tests, seminars, assignments etc. This is done in a most objective and impartial way. However in case of any complaints, students can appeal to the grievance redressal cell. A part from the regular unit tests, terminal examinations will be conducted for the first and second year degree classes with a common schedule. On completion of the syllabus, Model examination are also conducted prior to the University examinations. Participation in test, seminar, assignments etc. are compulsory for each student.
All application for Transfer / Conduct / Course certificate should made to the Principal, recommended by the concerned Tutor / Head of the department, at least three days in advance in the prescribed form.